Wednesday 30 September 2015

Preliminary Task Evaluation

Describe the set brief of the preliminary task. What was it that you were asked to create? Use the correct media specific vocabulary and show that you understand the meaning of these terms. 
For the preliminary task we had to create the process of pre-production, production and post production that was required.what was set was a scene which includes 2 people exchanging dialogue, which includes 2 lines each. what we also had to include was match-on-action,The 180 degree rule, match on action and point of view.

Explain everything that you did leading up to the point when you started filming (pre- production). Discuss how this process helped to prepare you for filming. 
The first step when leading up to the filming was we created a story board which allowed us to plan out each scene before we filmed it. We them looked into more detail at each of the shots in which we needed. This allowed us to when coming to filming allowing us to see what we needed to do and if there were any changes.

Describe the filming process itself ( production) how did this go?
When it came to the filming process we looked at our story board and went from there. We looked at every shot and looked at the different angles and which would look best when setting the mood. Overall I thought that the filming  process went well overall and we achieve what we needed to achieve apart from we didn't get the 'match on action' right due to the character and the look of that character.

Explain the editing stages to your preliminary task (post production) this should include how you applied new skills you have learn. 
How we set on about doing the editing was uploaded all of the clips and selected which one were the best for the final cut. When editing this footage together the new skills in which I have learnt was how to add music into the editing process but also how to change the levels of music rough out the piece.

Evaluate your finished preliminary task. How well does it meet the expectations of your set brief? Which parts of it do you think are particularly strong? Where are there weaknesses? What can you identify as being an area for development when it comes to producing your main task?
Overall feel that the finished preliminary task met most of the expectation in which was set but to improve on for out main task we need to make sure that match on action was included. These were shown as one of our weaknesses. I feel that one of the strong parts while editing was editing the parts correctly and making the transitions smooth and how the music fades in and the volume levels changes was also a strong part in this process. As an area for development we could make the speech a lot more clearer so you can hear in even when the music is low.

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